Ammonia Management in Broiler Poultry Farming as a Tool to Maintain a High Level of Poultry Welfare
Ksenofontova Anzhelika A., Buryakov Nikolay P., Ksenofontov Dmitrii A., Zaikina Anastasiya S.
Analysis of Biologically Active Feed Additives Used in Horse Breeding in Russia (Review)
Mustakova Feruza Sh.
Forage Grass Stand Productivity with Galega Orientalis of Domestic Varieties in the First Year of Use in the Leningrad Region
Veselkov Vyacheslav A., Donskikh Nina A.
Current State of Dairy Cattle Breeding in the World, Russia and the Vologda Region
Abramova Natal’ya I., Khromova Ol’ga L., Selimyan Maksim O., Zenkova Natal’ya V.
The Effect of the Age and Live Weight of Russian Black Pied Heifers with a Proportion of Holstein Blood at the First Insemination on Subsequent Milk Productivity Indicators
Tret’yakov Evgenii A.
Prospects for the Use of Neural Networks in Agriculture
Shamsutdinova Tatiana M
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