Some Feed Factors Influencing the Increase in Economic Efficiency in Dairy Farming
Esaulova Lidiya, Kudinova Natal’ya
The Effectiveness of Using a Complex Synbiotic Feed Additive for Lactating Cows during the Milking Period
Kosolapova Valentina G., Buryakov Nikolay P., Aleshin Dmitrii E., Mokrushina Olga G.
The Use of Domestic Enzymes in Compound Feeds for Ducklings
Zhestyanova Ljudmila, Lavrent’ev Anatolii Y.
Cultivation of Sudanese Grass in Single-Species and Mixed Crops on a Green Mass in the Conditions of the Northwest of Russia
Bezgodova Irina L., Vakhrusheva Vera V., Pryadil’shchikova Elena N., Chernysheva Ol’ga О.
Milk Productivity and Quality Indicators when Using Different Ratios of Essential Amino Acids in Cow Diets
Buryakov Nikolay P., Aleshin Dmitrii E.
The Role of the Vologda Region in the System of Dairy Cattle Breeding in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Selimyan Maksim O., Abramova Natal’ya I., Khromova Ol’ga L.
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