Hematological Indicators as a Criterion for Early Postnatal Adaptation of Black-and-White Calves
Smyslov Vladimir, Gysarov Igor
Ensuring Stable Load Mode of Internal Combustion Engine of an Agricultural Machine Through the Use of a Combined Power Plant
Rakov Vyacheslav A., Litvinov Vladimir I.
Using Combine Engine’s Heat for Drying Grain in Direct Combine Operations
Biryukov Alexander L., Zefirov Igor, Kuznetsova Natalia, Gaididei Sergey
Practic of Implementing Convolutional Neural Networks in Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Complex
Alfer'ev Dmitrii A.
New Approaches to Assessing the Efficiency of Milk Production Enterprises
Alekseev Andrey, Dubova Ekaterina
Conferences, meetings, exhibitions, contests
Emel’yanov’s Contribution to the Institute Development
Abramova Natal’ya I.